Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Essay free essay sample

Growing up little kids have different ideas of what they want to be when they grow up? The biggest ones seem to be Nurses and Doctors, Firemen and Ballerinas. I knew when I was younger I wanted to be a teacher, of what I was never quite sure? But at the time of the Idea of teaching and telling people what I wanted them to learn and do sounded nice. As I got older one thing always seemed to stay in my mind. I would tell my mom I wanted to be a Nurse and help sick people feel better again. It wasnt till a few years ago when I thought about joining the Navy and fulfilling my dream of always being a Nurse. Actually when I was about 9 my family and I went to Hawaii for a family vacation. On one of the days there we went to the Pearl Harbor Memorial. Your work may be done for a certain idea, but the work never stops and there are always more efficient ways and ideas for you to work towards. You need to keep it simple, don’t follow societies path, and have change in your life. â€Å"Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated† (Confucius.)Keeping it simple is the best way to live your life. Many people go through life trying to constantly keep on doing things. But, what I have learned researching simplicity is that you don’t need to have the nicest car, or designer clothes in order to be happy. We are always going through life trying to impress others when inside, we just need to impress ourselves. I can rattle off several examples of times that I made life hard, when really, the simple path was right in front of me. Take for instance, why drive through a highway that is flooded with construction, when you can just as easily and time efficiently take the back roads? I feel as a society we need to slow it down, take our time, and keep it simple. Society complicates life. Don’t follow societies beaten path, stray out to be different create your own path. This doesn’t perplex your views, it keeps them modest and humble. Take animals as an example. There main goal in life is to eat and reproduce. They don’t have a society that is constantly trying to control and dictate their life. That really, is our two main goals in life. Except in order to get food, you need to work for a living. Many people are raised and are expected to do something that a relative or parent did. (Attend a certain college, get a certain job) this is an excellent example of how society complicates life. Many people don’t want to run a business just because their parents did. We need to take time and realize what we want to do. That way, putting food on the table isn’t a hard task. When we reproduce and have kids, that just means you either need to work smarter and harder so you can provide more food on the table. We crea te unnecessary responsibilities for ourselves for absolutely no reason. The only thing they do is make our daily lives harder. We are creating a mental image in our head of what we are suppose to be. Society plays a big part in conforming that image. We need to stray on our own path and stay true to ourselves. Have change in your life, but change for the better. Better yourself. Changing is a great way to feel better about yourself and build a better you. There is no need to make life changing decisions all the time. Keep it simple. Set goals, but don’t set to many. I follow the same routine almost everyday of my life. Wake up, go to school, go to practice, come home, and do my homework. This routine, likely will not change until I graduate college. But say I did want a change to make my life more interesting. I could learn a new talent or just change my views on everything. I feel we all need to savor our achievements and count our blessings. We are all fortunate enough to be in school and be working on an essay on computers. Many people don’t have that. Many also don’t have the opportunity to change that either. Eat healthier, go for a walk outside, or tell that girl you like she’s pretty. Have humble changes in your life to make yourself happier. Don’ t follow the same routines we get into day-to-day. If we do our work, we will reinforce ourselves. These are great ways and opportunities to work towards a better life. Keeping it simple may possibly be the hardest feat to overcome, but when and if you decide to do that. You will find life has much less complications and more rewards to it. I have simplified my life over the past few years and have continually noticed improvements in everything I do. Just take little steps all the way up to the top. Now, following societies path is the easy way and will likely get you around $75,000 a year doing something you don’t enjoy. At least you’ll be able to have fun on the weekends. But, if you want to be making more money than do something you love doing for a living and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Lastly, have change in your life. Instead of having cereal in the mornings, have fruit and eggs with orange juice. There is an abundance of ways to have small change in your life that will radiate a positive aspect to your life everyday. Keep it simple, Don’t follow societies path, and have change in your life.

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